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law of correspondence

A person meditating on a sandy beach during a serene sunset, with waves gently crashing in the background.
The Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence The Law of Correspondence is one of the foundational principles of universal laws, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all levels of existence. It is often summarized by the phrase, "As above, so below; as within, so without." This means that the external circumstances in your life reflect your inner thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Similarly, the macrocosm (the universe) mirrors the microcosm (your individual life). At its core, the Law of Correspondence suggests that your internal state—your thoughts, feelings, and mindset—directly influences your external reality. If you’re experiencing chaos or negativity in your surroundings, it often signals a need for inner transformation. By addressing and aligning your inner world, you can create harmony and balance in your external life. How It Works The Law of Correspondence is a universal principle that underscores the interconnected nature of reality. It […]

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